* Sept 30th - Dream House
* Sept 30th - Tucker and Dale vs Evil (limited release)
* Oct 7th - The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) (limited release)
* Oct 14th - The Thing
* Oct 21st - Paranormal Activity 3
* Oct 21st - Red State
And that's it. Not a whole lot to pick from really when you conisder 2 of the films are going to be pretty limited release and I bet that Kevin Smith's Red State won't be on many screens. I am looking forward to The Thing, Paranormal Activity 3 and Dream House though.
But this year I've watched a lot more films at my house than in the theater anyway. It's not just that I really like my home set-up it's also people talking and texting and such in theaters has really begun to annoy my old ass ("You kids get out of my yard!!" *shakes fist*). You can buy a disc now with a blu-ray, regular and digital copy of a film for less than 2 people can go to the theater anyway, so I'm just patient and wait for the films to hit home. Here's what's stabbing it's way onto your home video shelves for October:
* Oct 4th - Scream 4
* Oct 4th - Friday The 13th: The Ultimate Collection
* Oct 4th - Elvira's Haunted Hills
* Oct 4th - Elvira's Movie Macabre: Lady Frankenstein / Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter
* Oct 11th - The Bad Seed (Blu-ray)
* Oct 11th - Maniac Cop (Blu-ray)
* Oct 18th - Hellraiser: Revelations
* Oct 25th - The House By The Cemetery (Blu-ray)
* Oct 25th - Zombie: 2-Disc Ultimate Edition (Blu-ray)
* Oct 25th - Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings
There's some good stuff in there, but it's not an incredible selection or anything. Might keep me pretty busy. Add onto these 2 lists that the excellent looking series American Horror Story is debuting on FX and Dexter is back on Showtime for another bloody season and I should make it through the holiday satisfied.
If you just can't wait for some of these releases, here's a few reviews for horror movies that I've done this past year of recent releases that you can find on shelves right now, with my overall rating:
* A Horrible Way To Die (5/10)
* Bereavement (7/10)
* The Ward (6/10)
* Grave Encounters (7/10)
* Stake Land (8/10)
* Seconds Apart (7.5/10)
* Fragile (7/10)
* The Rite (6/10)
* Wake Wood (6/10)
* Pig Hunt (6.5/10)
* I Saw The Devil (7.5/10)
* Let Me In (8/10)
* The Troll Hunter (8/10)
* Insidious (7.5/10)
And there are plenty more! I've not listed some of the ones that I wasn't too crazy about, but who knows you may love them. Click the "movie review" tab and browse around if you want, don't cost nuttin'.
Happy Halloween month!