I just love how they put Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer on the front of the packaging and poster art for this movie, despite the fact that neither of them are on screen for more than a few minutes the entire movie. I'm sure appealing to fans of the TV show True Blood will pay off up front, but in end the people will just be pissed off if that's the reason they got the movie was to see these 2 stars. I did notice that Anna's brother was the writer and director of this so I think it's sort of cool that these 2 were in it at all, apparently helping out the bro. But anyway, on to the movie itself.
Overall I just thought it was too slow and boring. The pace of the film seemed like it just dragged along. And even with some interesting characters involved... they just didn't do much. Tricia Helfer (Battlestar Galatica) is fantastic in her role as a heartless killer but I did't like the chemistry between her and her partner in crime. Both roles I think had a lot of potential but their motivations and backgrounds were only scratched upon. A wasted chance to create 2 really memorable characters in my opinion.
There's a twist or 2 and a bit of violence and gore, mostly off-screen, plus a few pretty decent tense scenes that worked for me, but just when things seem to get suspensful it just bogged down again and got a bit boring.
So I liked the concept and some of the characters, but it's dull too often never really takes off. Very forgettable.